Monday, 12 March 2012

Ajiey Reflective Blog Post

Sometimes I look through this Blog and see how much it has changed since I started it around october 2010. From early designs like this .....

To more advanced designs like this...

From when it only got a few views a month to now getting around 3-500 Views a month... Not much but it's still an improvement, considering the amount of content I have on this site.
I still remember how I started it... A place to just put everything I do, instead of keeping it locked up in my head and now it has expanded. I feel the addition of TD Maverick did quite well for the site and Ajiey Media content... It also encouraged me to make more Ajiey content as well.

The Youtube started as a reflection of the blog. Along with writing I also like entertaining people and making them laugh. From when I was in school watching some youtube channels like NigahigaPeter Chao and others, It always wondered what it would be like to make videos like them.

I started off doing Vlogs with just me and sometimes a few friends talking about a subject. But didn't continue it for long. Eventually I convinced TD Maverick to join his Radio show up with my Vlogs and from there the content started rolling through.
But heed me when I tell you that this is only the beginning both me and TD Maverick have more plans for the youtube and TV side of Ajiey Media and in the near future we hope to be working with more people to produce even better video content!

You thought I forgot didn't you! No how could I forget, the way people look at me with a shocked expression when I tell them about this still makes me laugh. I meet someone in a club, we get talking, and I eventually tell them I have a comic published. The shocked expression they always seem to give me is quite funny.
Personally I didn't think it much of an achievement, but despite that I'm still really happy about it. When you have ideas for a long time and then when you finally turn your idea into something physical is a great feeling. It shows you that you can get something done! Though looking back on hindsight maybe I should've gotten my main Manga idea "Mediwars" done first (which is more an Action/ Battle Manga similar to those like Naruto and Bleach, rather than Fantasy World that is Parody/ Comedy). But whether it's Fantasy World, Mediwars or even the "Other Story" I love all of my stories and will put hard work into creating a good and entertaining story that everyone will enjoy (given you like the genre :p).

Also for those of you who enjoyed Fantasy World chapter 1, more will eventually be coming... don't worry ;). For those of you who didn't or who thought there was no plot to it... Remember the first chapter was like a pilot, despite being comedy/ parody it does develop a serious plot a few chapters in. You will just have to wait and see.

So yeah... Thats my reflective Blog Post right there.
What the future holds... nobody knows, but that doesn't stop us from planning and we do have a LOT of projects planned for the future. I will not give too much away however I am doing a Collab with my friend Daras with "The Telepath". Hopefully a snippet of my "Other Story" should be coming out soon. Not giving anything about that away anytime soon, more video content for the youtube... that's a given and lastly... yes! More Fantasy World.

Thanks to everyone who supported me in general. And special shoutouts to... TD Maverick (Tonte), Inko, Daras, Reckyz, and everyone else that's helped me out.
Remember to like the Facebook, Follow the Twitter and Subscribe to the Youtube and if you are interested in working with us then Email.... the email and lastly i'll leave you with this...